9 Effective Ways To Wake A Sleepy Travel Buddy

Been on a trip only to realise that your travel companion sleeps from 10pm – 10am? Fret not. Here are 10 effective ways to wake a sleepy travel buddy, or rather, cope with a sleeping beauty buddy, while maintaining a cordial relationship and getting the best out of your destination.
1. Find useful things to do when he or she is asleep
That’s right, you’ll be surprise time passes very quickly, and soon you will be drowsy. Be it Whatsapping, Facebooking, Instagraming or admiring hunky local actors on TV, soon you’ll find yourself in dreamland.
I was heading on to take the two-week Trans Siberian train ride after my trip in Seoul, and I spent the time washing clothes while my Friend H was fast asleep. You’ll be surprise how time flies and how (annoying hand washing clothes can be).
2. Go to sleep as well
I know this sounds silly, especially when you’re pining to visit some downtown clubs and have a beer when your companion is fast asleep. But you can take the opportunity to sleep as well – I guarantee you will be refreshed in the morning. Then again, I acknowledge this could be a non-option for some, so read on…

3. Travel on your own!
I’m a big fan of independent travel and it’s really nice to have some alone time at parts of the trip, especially long ones. Take the time to explore downtown on your own, have a coffee or do some shopping – it can be refreshing. I’d say it’s fine to check out clubs on your own, just don’t do what you wouldn’t do back in your home country. Check out the security situation before heading out. In major Asian cities like Singapore, Shanghai and Seoul, I felt very safe. A tip, if you’re on your own, bring some loose currency and pay the rest by credit card. It’s safer that way.

But there’s nothing like travelling with a companion, and if waking your travel buddy is a must…
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It’s 11am in the morning and your travel buddy is still sleeping (snoring even). You have already 1) polished off the hotel’s buffet breakfast, 2) read the local newspaper for the day and can’t wait to leave the hotel room again. I highly recommend you…
4. Fumble with the light switch and “accidentally” light up the entire room
I was ahem, further assisted by the tech savvy light switch in Seoul. The lights in the room had a motion sensor function and the instructions were in Korean. I wanted to switch on the lights in the doorway as a nudge, but the whole room lit up. Mission accomplished.
5. Knock against a chair and heave a loud exclamation “Ow!”
It’s a foolproof way – just don’t forget to rub the section of the toe which you “injured” 😉

6. Buy food back to the room and chew very loudly.
By 11am, some of us would have already taken a tour around the neighbourhood. What better way then to bring back some “smelly toufu”. The intense aromas would be sure to rouse the deepest of all sleepers, and the chewing noises are the finishing touch.
7. Rustle plastic bags while packing.
I’m not the most glamorous of all travellers and I admit to storing my dirty laundry in grocery plastic bags. While packing your clothes after a bath, rustle the plastic bags a little more – these make the most annoying of all sounds and is bound to wake up anyone who is sensitive to noise. Bingo.

8. Skype with a loved one in hushed tones.
Give a friend or family member back home a call via Skype. He/She is bound to ask you to about plans for the day. It’s a ripe time to whisper as loudly as you can, “Oh, we are supposed to visit (the Kremlin, and the Opera house (for example)) but (insert name of sleeping buddy) is still asleep”…
9. Switch on your phone alarm, leave it by the nightstand and take a bath
I must admit this is a low blow, only to be used in the most desperate of all situations for the soundest of all sleepers. You should only use this once during the trip, or else it will be difficult to differentiate if you’re crying wolf.
Please use these tips with caution. To be honest, I’ll do my best to avoid waking my travelling buddies. Because I know most of them work long hours, and sleep is often a luxury. The trip is probably the best time for them to rest and recuperate. I’d recommend that the next time you go on a trip with a sleeping beauty buddy, take the opportunity to spend some time alone. I promise you it will be special too.