What to look out for while booking tour guides in Israel

tour group israel
A tour group in Israel Credits: Seaman Phylicia Hanson (https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1506014)

Israel is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. As a tourist destination, it is one of the most popular, with a large number of historical and natural sites to offer. While many people choose to travel on their own, a guide may come in useful if you would like to understand local customs, learn more about Israel’s turbulent history, and experience the magic of this country. Selecting a proper guide will ensure that you’ll have an unforgettable vacation.

Making The Right Choice

If you want to go one level deeper in exploring this country, your best allies will be tour guides in Israel. However, choosing the best one may not be as easy as heading down to a travel agency. There are many guides out there and not all of them offer high quality services, which is why you have to be very careful.

Even the best tour guides in Israel are not able to make your vacation perfect if you do not know what you want in the first place. You must be clear about your expectations and wishes. This is the only way guides can meet your expectations, and provide you with the ultimate experience. If you do this, there is a high chance that you will enjoy the tour. Keep this in mind when you are planning a trip.

Make sure your guide is licensed with the Ministry of Tourism

Israel Ministry of Tourism
Your guide should be licensed with the Ministry of Tourism

There are many tour guides in Israel, and making a right choice can be challenging. However, these pointers will be able to help you narrow down the list of potential candidates. Check if your guide has the necessary license. All guides in Israel must have adequate license issued by the Ministry of Tourism, which is a guarantee that this person is capable to be a guide.

Check if your guide speaks your language

sandeman jerusalem
On board a tour in Jerusalem

Second, check does your guide speak your language. Almost all experienced guides speak more than two different languages and English is as the standard in this profession.

Word of mouth

Recommendations and suggestions from friends are probably the best way to choose the perfect guide. However, you must be aware that we are all different and that we expect different things when we are on vacation. This means that even the best-rated guides may not be a suitable choice.

What defines a good tour guide?

There are many factors to consider. What is your impression of Israel when you just arrived? And has that change after a week in Israel? Have you learnt about local history and tradition? Are you planning to come back? Do the stories stay, even after you’ve returned home.

A trip to Israel is never quite the same, compared to visiting London, Amsterdam or Hong Kong. And a tour guide can help to make that difference.

This is a contributed post. 

All images have been credited to their sources, under Wikimedia Commons.

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