Humble eating on the Trans Siberian
Thought it will be a light-hearted way to end the narrative of the 7 day train ride with pictures of humble eating on the Trans Siberian. I am a frequent eater of instant noodles, so the first few days passed without much trouble. But after four similar meals of the same thing…
In the following pictures, most of the time we were smiling, but some times it was really the case of 笑中带苦。(Smiling with a heavy heart.)
Here you go!
Beijing to Irkutsk – We had stocked up instant noodles, sardines and luncheon meat.
I don’t consider myself to be fussy with food. I will eat anything as long as it keeps me full and gives me an easy time in the loo. But four days filled with instant noodles and canned meat made me feel like my world was swimming in MSG. Bread and biscuits provided some sort of respite, but it just didn’t feel enough.
Looking back, times were hard. I don’t think I can ever look at instant noodles and canned food in the same light ever again. But the benefits? I think I lost weight!