Valentines Day 2014 – Loving someone different
I wrote a series of five posts for Valentine’s Day this year.
I hope they have challenged you to look beyond the checklist of potential traits you want in a partner, and treasure how some annoying characteristics of your partner make them lovable at the same time.
Loving someone, especially someone different always takes courage. It could be someone whose pay is lower than yours, someone shorter than you or someone with a birth defect. There’s bound to be judgement from society, your family and friends, no matter how close you are. It’s up to you and your partner to keep the relationship alive.
In my younger days, I came across this popular Mandarin Song by a Malaysian Singer Fish Leong (see Youtube video above). It’s entitled “Courage”. In this song, Fish sings about how we need courage to love someone. We need courage to stand above the rumour-mongering. The path is not always smooth but all it takes is for the person you love, to love you. With that reassurance, all obstacles can be overcome.
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It can be mind-weakening and energy-sapping trying to be brave and doing what you believe in. In this series of five posts, I’ve received some feedback, some positive and some frustrated souls telling me to just stop this “Date a guy/girl who..” series. Someone told me it’s from an original author whose post I have not come across before. All I can say is that they will be glad to know that this is a series of five and it has come to an end. It was never my intention to populate my blog perpetually with such posts – wouldn’t it be boring?
- Date a girl who likes Prada
- Date a guy who is unemployed
- Date a guy who works late / Date a girl who works late
- Don’t Date The Girl You Just Met At A Club
- Date a guy who is younger than you / Date a girl who is older than you
To be honest, I have never imagined how happy I was writing these posts. I had the opportunity to chat with friends on topics then we’ll never get to cover during the usual “Hey, how are you?” gatherings. I’m amazed at their insights and the courage I find in some of them.
The Travelling Squid was set up for the purpose of offering travel advice to readers, encouraging them to head off to very unlikely destinations like India and Russia. This Valentine’s Day Special was a random muse of mine and I thank you for your support. To my friends and to those who have cheered me on.
Hope you had a very lovely Valentine’s Day 2014.